5 Tips For Choosing Your Friends Wisely & Seeking Meaningful Relationships!
You can not change the people around you, but you can certainly change the people you choose to be around! After all, a man is known for the company he keeps! Therefore, choose your friends wisely and seek meaningful relationships. Read On!
Friends are the bedrock of our social engagement. From early childhood, we are constantly seeking meaningful friendships and our most prized friends, we lovingly call them “best friends” or “Friends Forever”. Our friends have a significant influence on our thought process, attitude and psychological well-being as most often they are our pillars of comfort. The company we keep also influences how we perceive situations and interact with society around us and therefore choosing your friends wisely and having a positive circle becomes imperative to having a healthy state of mind.
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Are you choosing your friends wisely?
Ask yourself these simple 5 questions while cultivating friendships
Follow the following 5 tips and choose friends wisely:
1. Do you see a value in their company?
Is your friend helping you evolve in any way, say they help you with a healthy lifestyle, academics, or have rich professional experience that you can learn from. May they are great at managing finance or fostering positive relationships and their outlook can help you become a better person. In nutshell, do you see a meaningful growth being associated with them in some aspect of your life.
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2. Do you get a positive vibe in their company?
Sure you want to stay away from pessimists, cynics and naysayers! A positive individual will help you reframe most life situations and perhaps even make you count your blessings. A negative person on the other hand will most likely indulge in bickering, gossiping, criticism and in general incite anger, jealousy or resentment inside of you. Remember, their emotional state has potential to spill over on you!
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3. Do you see yourself being able to trust them?
Trust is a fragile word. But it’s the foundation of solid friendships. A person whom you can trust will create a safe environment for you to share your deepest truths. They will likely let your secret remain a secret. They will hold you up in good esteem in public. They will keep their words. Their actions will match their words. And if you goofed up, they will even counsel you out of tricky situations with their earnest well-meaning advice.
4. Do you see yourself being valued?
A person who values you will create space in their life for you. In terms of time and effort. It will not seem like a one sided chain of effort. Like all relationships, friendships too take effort else they fizzle out, out of sight is out of mind! In today’s fast paced age, we are often conscious of how we spend our time and if you find your friend making time and space for you, it is a signal they value your company. The friendship must feel mutual.
5. Can you rely on your friend for a well-meaning advice?
Yes, your friends have a role to play when you’re going through a crisis, say a heartbreak or loss of job, which is to help you with good quality counsel that can help you piece your life together. They have your best interest at heart, and support you with their objective guidance. A barometer for testing this quality is that even though a person may have gone through some bad situations, they retain a positive outlook towards life and believe in uplifting others.
In nutshell, a good friend is also a philosopher and guide to you. With these simple yet intuitive tips, you can create a pool of rock solid friendships for life. Remember, what you chose for yourself today has bearing on your tomorrow. So choose wisely, specially your company!
Originally published at https://theeasywisdom.com on May 2, 2020.