Feeling Bored and Lonely? Not Anymore! 11 Tips to Overcome Loneliness

The Easy Wisdom Media
8 min readDec 1, 2020


Are you feeling bored and lonely? Or are you wondering why many of us feel lonelier than ever? And do you know in Korea, people record themselves while having dinner? And people are paying to watch these videos! Yes, it is another sign of loneliness creeping all over us! It is quite apparent that we are increasingly feeling lonely than ever, even in a crowd! While it is a fact that feeling lonely is more dangerous than isolation and increases the mortality rate, it is also true that you can walk through boredom and loneliness and lead a healthier & happier life! Follow the Infographics & Read on to know-how!

Understanding your emotions well enough can help you take measurable and actionable steps to connect with others and help protect your own mental health. Over the last few months, several people have been confined to their homes to help curb the COVID pandemic. It is important to understand that while some people live with family, friends, or even roommates, others might be living alone. Many of us might be missing our friends, family, and relatives. We may even find ourselves feeling bored and lonely. But do you often feel that ‘ my life is so boring and lonely?’ And are you actively looking for ways ‘ how to overcome boredom and loneliness’? If yes, the good news is that while such feelings may be omnipresent, isolation, boredom & loneliness can be checked to some extent.

Feeling Bored and Lonely Flyer — WWW.THEEASYWISDOM.COM


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Are you feeling Lonely?

Whether you are living alone or with other people, you may be feeling lonely right now! If you have been living up all alone or have been away from other people, you may end up feeling isolated. Maybe you are in self-quarantine or living in a containment zone, being alone and physically distant from other people can make you feel socially and emotionally disconnected. (Also see — How loneliness impacts the health infographic)

How loneliness impacts the health infographic-www.theeasywisdom.com

Loneliness is the experience that takes place when you don’t feel satisfied with your social interactions and would like to be more connected to others. Conversely, you may also feel lonely when you have several people around you, and you do not feel emotionally connected or invested in them. Under such circumstances, it is quite obvious, you may be looking for ways on how to overcome loneliness?

Do not forget to check out the following — How to overcome loneliness comics.

How to overcome loneliness comics-www.theeasywisdom.com

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This lack of social connectedness can indeed be a risk to your physical and mental health. When you do not feel socially connected to others, you might find it far more difficult to deal with stressful situations. Loneliness can cause sleeplessness along with heightened levels of stress, depression, and more so anxiety! In fact, loneliness has been primarily linked to poor immunity too; a solid concern that is quite alarming given the current state of the world we are all in.

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Are you feeling bored?

Another more common emotion that many of us are experiencing is boredom. Amidst the pandemic and lockdown, life has certainly become dull, repetitive, and monotonous. You might have lost interest in the things or even in the people around you. The human mind is curious, likes challenges, and loves finding new things. Without enough mental stimulation, your mind may likely get bored more often now than usual!

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When you get bored, you may frequently get distracted and may find yourself even daydreaming. You may even spend more time scrolling and browsing through social media or binge-watching shows in an attempt to find something that is very interesting and far more engaging. It is likely that you may mistake your boredom for hunger or even tiredness. However, having a snack or taking a nap may not be enough.

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If you are feeling bored and lonely then you need to identify these feelings of boredom or loneliness and then take proactive action to feel completely better. So let us explore how to overcome boredom and loneliness.

Stop feeling bored and lonely with these 11 inspiring tips!

You can beat loneliness and boredom by making some small behavioural changes. How? Check out this supercool — How to overcome loneliness infographic.

How to overcome loneliness infographic-www.theeasywisdom.com

Here are 11 tips on how to overcome your boredom and loneliness (Also refer — Tips on how to overcome boredom and loneliness infographic)

Tips on how to overcome boredom and loneliness infographic-www.theeasywisdom.com

1. Structure your day

When you live alone, you may be tempted to do as you please. However, having a structure or schedule can help you feel more present and way too focussed. You can create a new routine to be followed by incorporating time for work, daily chores, leisure, social interactions, and most importantly, for me-time.

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2. Start a new ritual for your own good

Feeling bored and lonely? Find a suitable activity that will help you cope with the current scenario and make it a solid daily ritual to help yourself stay calm. This can include maintaining a journal or even something as simple as having a cup full of tea in the morning or taking a hot shower before going to bed!

3. Change your perception

There will be times when even talking to others may not be what you need. It is therefore helpful to change the way you think about your isolation or your boredom too. Think of this given alone-time as an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and pick up a new skill; if you want! Reframing your perspective on the situation can help you tackle these distressing and challenging emotions more easily!

4. Reconnect with your old friends

Reach out and talk to old friends via phone, messages, social media, or video calls. This can help you feel well-connected even though you might not be in their company always.

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5. Bond with your family

If you live with your family, try to spend time with them. You could try doing some household chores with them, share some responsibilities, watch shows together, or even go-ahead to start new family rituals like having a superb game night once a week or eating breakfast together each morning. In fact, if you engage in meaningful conversation with your family on your life, on their life, and about society or the world, you can manage your anxiety and ultimately your negative emotions.

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6. Focus on your hobbies

Maybe you have a hobby that was long dropped or forgotten. Why not reconnect with these old hobbies to alleviate your loneliness? Maybe, you enjoy painting, or several books are piling up in your library that you always wanted to read. Use this time to indulge in such hobbies. This can help you stay engaged and beat the boredom.

7. Focus on your health

When you continue to stay isolated, you may have lower immunity and higher susceptibility to falling ill! Prioritize your health by eating balanced meals, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and getting adequate sleep. This means taking any medication you are on/ can take regularly and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, or other substances.

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8. Maintain hygiene

Being isolated or staying away from other people may make you feel that there is no need for maintaining hygiene. This tendency becomes quite worse if you are also feeling bored and lonely, and depressed. However, it’s crucial to maintain hygiene during such times. Brushing your teeth, bathing every day, and changing into clean clothes are all essential for your well-being. If finding the motivation to do this is hard, make a to-do list with these hygiene items and ensure you tick them off each day. You could even ask someone to hold you accountable for the same by checking in with you regularly.

9. Avoid procrastination

When you are bored, you might find it hard to do something to change your mind’s state. This can lead you to procrastinate on an important or necessary task. Sometimes, the best way to beat boredom is to push yourself to complete a task that has been pending for a long time. Focus on how good you would feel if you completed the task and use that very feeling to motivate yourself to overcome that procrastination!

10. Spend time in your own company

When you feel absolutely bored, take the time to introspect and understand your mind and heart. Try to identify what it is that you would actually like to do? Reflect on your life and try to understand the things that are really important to you. How can you make complete time for these things in your life, during or even post the inevitable lockdown? Alternatively, you can begin brainstorming and planning for things you have wanted to do but have not had the time for at all! Identify your life goals and break them down into smaller action points and take them one by one, starting from today.

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11. Take a break

When boredom does hit you while you are engaging and immersing in a task, do take some time off. Take a break from whatever is making you feel bored and do an activity you can enjoy. If you are bored of washing vessels, do take a break and dance to your utmost favourite song; if you are bored of work, talk to a co-worker; if you are completely bored of studying, take a break and do some yoga. This will help you feel thoroughly refreshed, rejuvenated, and reenergized.

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It is important to understand that feeling bored and lonely is a part of life. While it may not be enjoyable, it is something that we all have to deal with from time to time. Learning how to work through boredom, loneliness, and isolation can equip you with important skills to lead a happier and healthier life.

Originally published at https://theeasywisdom.com on December 1, 2020.



The Easy Wisdom Media
The Easy Wisdom Media

Written by The Easy Wisdom Media

The Easy Wisdom Media is an online content website empowering sharp, stylish, and curious minds 😇 | Impacting people and making them self-aware since 2020 🚀

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