How To Deal With Toxic People? 8 Tips To Disarm Your Toxic Friends!

The Easy Wisdom Media
6 min readSep 17, 2021


Toxic people indeed flout reasoning. They spread a lot of negativity around them, create unnecessary complexity, conflict, and stress. So it is time to deal with them head-on. I have worked across various practical strategies that successful personalities deploy when they deal with toxic people and what follows are the eight of the best. Read on!

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How to deal with toxic people? 8 Tips to disarm them your Toxic friends!The Easy Wisdom
How to deal with toxic people? 8 Tips to disarm them your Toxic friends!The Easy Wisdom

To be honest, dealing with toxic people or toxic friends has never been my forte. But like most of us, I have also come across toxicity in life and have successfully navigated through it. I knew when it was the right time to cut ties with toxic people or toxic friends. I also knew very well that we have few toxic people we cannot bypass at any cost. They can be anyone from your family to your relative, co-worker, boss, friend, or anyone you can not withstand. But I dealt with them fiercely, skillfully and indirectly. Ultimately, I emerged as a victor, regained my peace and made my life stress-free. So let us see how to deal with toxic people, protect yourself from a toxic person and how to disarm them head-on.

Toxic people indeed flout reasoning. They spread a lot of negativity around them, create unnecessary complexity, conflict, and stress. Stress is a direct threat to your peace of mind and hampers your success. And this is what exactly happens when you surround yourself with a lot of toxic people around. Whether it’s negativity, harshness, or the victim complex, toxic people drive your brain crazy and stressed-out.

I have worked across various practical strategies that successful personalities deploy when they deal with toxic people and what follows are the eight of the best. To deal with a toxic person efficiently, we all need to take steps that will enable us to control what we can and eliminate what we can not. And the most important thing to realize is that you are in charge and in control of far more than you think.

But all this is far easier than done. So let us see how to deal with toxic people and avoid them at any cost. And if you are still confused on how to spot a toxic person or what are the typical signs of toxic people, read the article here.

How to deal with toxic people? 6 proven ways!

If you read our post: Signs of toxic people and toxic friends-6 types of toxic people to avoid, let us take you to the second part: how to deal with toxic people, a toxic friend and a toxic person and learn how to disarm them.

How to deal with toxic people
How to deal with toxic people

1. Recognize the threat and Distance yourself

If you want to disarm toxic people, the first step is to recognise the toxic behaviour and distance yourself from such personalities. It is the first step to desensitizing yourself from their actions and expressions. Ask yourself if you really value their opinion? Or do they have your best interest at heart? If the answer to the first question is yes and the second question is no, you don’t have to worry about them. It is important to understand that toxic people have the power to upset you only if you let them do so. Exercise your discretion to distance yourself emotionally.

2. Let them go

We meet many people in life, and they all have a purpose to serve. And you can’t hold onto everyone, especially when they become toxic. There will always be a point when you do not see any value in the other person anymore. The other person pulls you down or becomes too demanding to hold on. Or they spread too much negativity around that you decide not to tolerate anymore. So you got it right. It is time to let go and make them a thing of the past. Yes, if they are too toxic to hold on to, let them go. It is time to discard them. And it is the best strategy.

3. Speak up

Do not suffer in silence and let not toxic people bug you, use you and disregard you. Let them know that they are exposed and that their true colours are apparent now. Let them know that you will not tolerate their behaviour anymore. And let them know they are no more welcome. So it is wise to speak up instead of suffering alone in silence.

4. Let not their negativity consume you

Save yourself from their venom and toxicity and limit your exposure to them. You focus on your strengths and positive and engage in activities that make you feel alive. You have to put yourself first. Maybe the other person needs you desperately, but you need to take a stand for yourself as the toxic person is always sucking your energy, and you are always giving in. Break the loop and disarm the negative people.

Also read: How to Deal with Negative People & Handle Relationship with a Negative Person?

5. Detach and limit your interaction

There are certain situations you can’t completely cut off toxic people. I have personally faced such a situation many times, and I picked my battles wisely. If you are not diligent and wise in dealing with toxic people you can’t do away with, like your sister-in-law, for example, battles can turn into wars. So exercise caution and think of repercussions before you take any action. In such a scenario, it is best to limit your interaction with such people. You can be wise enough to communicate but not fully engage. One way is to hang out in groups and distribute some negative load. You may offer some compassion when absolutely necessary but should not attempt to fix them.

6. Recognize the traits that make you an easy prey

Keep a close eye on what the other person wants from you and what attracts toxicity in your life. Try to understand if there is a pattern emerging out of all this? Pay attention and work upon it. Try to break those patterns and learn to say no when the situation demands.

7. Reconsider your relationship with the toxic person

What is keeping you in such a relationship anyway? Fear of loss, loneliness, or anything else? Holding on to a toxic person will lead to long term damage, so it is better to cut off now than to repent later. Trust your gut and trust your judgement. If you sense any negativity or toxicity, do not hold on and normalize abuse behaviour. You are a free person with free will. Exercise your liberty and rethink your relationship when the time comes. It will be tough to move on and rebuild your life all over again, but all the efforts will ultimately be worth it.

8. Forgive but do not forget

Intelligent people quickly forgive, but that doesn’t mean that they forgot. Forgiveness is an art and has to do with your own peace and happiness so that you can move on. People choose to forgive to attain their own harmony and achieve a state of consonance. But it doesn’t mean that they intend to give toxic people another chance. It rather means that they are more aware and assertive in protecting themselves from future harm.

Dealing with toxicity is not an easy thing and do not come overnight. These come only with experience. These are the strategies that worked for me. If you have some other strategies on ‘how to deal with toxic people,’ do mention the same in the comments section below.

I have also written a similar article on how to deal with negative people and handle negativity. You may want to check that article out by clicking here. Also, do not forget to check our YouTube channel for some inspiring and thought-provoking videos.

This article was originally produced on



The Easy Wisdom Media
The Easy Wisdom Media

Written by The Easy Wisdom Media

The Easy Wisdom Media is an online content website empowering sharp, stylish, and curious minds 😇 | Impacting people and making them self-aware since 2020 🚀

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